Copyright © | Hardin County KY PVA
PVA Open Records Commercial Fee Guidelines
Copy Charges
$.10 8 ½ X 11 OR 8 ½ X14
(actual costs if higher may be charged)
Fax Charges
$2.00 fax information to a local number
$5.00 fax information to a long distant number
Request for mailing list
$50.00 per request
plus 8 cents per record for the first 5,000
plus 7 cents for the next 10,000
plus 5 cents for the next 15,000
plus 4 cents for each additional record over 30,000
Commercial Website Subscription
Website Subscription Fee Schedule:
120 records a year for $100
300 records a year for $200
600 records a year for $400
1200 records a year for $750
Monthly-unlimited $25
Yearly-unlimited $275
Commercial GIS Fee Guidelines
Basic Topographic Map: (24 x 36 sheet in hard copy from
containing all base layers: price per sheet)
$25.00/Standard Map
Mylar prints (where available) at higher rates.
Map Size Variations (pre-made prints in hard copy format):
8 ½ x 11 $2.50
8 ½ x 14 $5.00
11 x 17 $7.50
17 x 22 $10.00
22 x 34 $20.00
34 x 40 $25.00
Additional Layers:
Layers of coverage will vary, as they are dependent on how
involved the GIS program is to the area. The need for (and types) of
layers will increase with the size and urbanization of the area. The
more advanced programs with detailed layers will be more
expensive since the start-up costs for them will be higher.
Therefore, there is no fair way to establish a uniform set of prices
for layer across the state. Each PVA office using GIS will have to
determine their own layering schedules based on the amount of
money invested into their program.
Staff Time:
If special GIS programming is required, typical rate for staff time
charged by PVA offices is $20.00 per hour.
Mailing Fees:
Actual Costs
Annual renewals at discount of 10% of original amount of purchase,
plus cost of media. Other formats: call for quote
Deed Plotting
$10.00 per tract (where available)
Request for ownership or Administrative Information
$2.00 per account (no building characteristics)
Request for comparable sales and/or property
$5.00 per property (no more than 1 building)
$2.00 each additional building
Bulk rate for property characteristics- Entire County
$1.75 per property (no more than 1 building)
$0.70 each additional building
Request for sales & transfer file & comp books provided
$150.00 per request
plus 30 cents per record for first 1,000 records
plus 15 cents for next 5,000
plus 5 cents for each record over 6,000
Provided Quarterly
add an additional 10% of annual cost
Provided Monthly
add an additional 25% of annual cost
Request for property tax roll
$250.00 per request
plus 20 cents per record for first 5,000 records
plus 15 cents for the next 10,000
plus10 cents for the next 15,000
plus 5 cents for each additional record over 30,000
GIS/Topographic Data (in digital electronic data format):
$50.00 per request plus:
No Data (shape file only- no parcel number) $0.30 (per parcel)
Individual or Custom Parcel Data with Parcel number, ownership
and mailing address only $0.40 (per parcel)
Aerial Photography:
As a point of clarification, DOQQ's or aerial photos provided by
the Department of Geographical Information (DGI) cannot be
sold by PVA offices. For purchase of DOQQ's, contact DGI,
(502) 573-1450. Flight patterns flown by and paid for by the
county are okay for resale.
Standard PVA Maps (GIS) $25.00
Digital Images or Sketches:
$1.00 each with $5.00 minimum order
Diskette $2.00
CD $10.00
Zip Disk $16.00
The PVA assumes no liability for the validity of this data. The office is constantly changing and updating the property information
periodically. Thanks for your patience. NOTE: All guideline fees are suggested fees only. Actual costs of reproduction, actual cost of
staff time, and actual costs of the creation, purchase or other acquisition of records may be recovered, if higher.