Our office hours are 8:30 to 5:00 Monday- Friday
A message from the County Assessor
Welcome to the Assessor's Web Site. This site offers a variety of important property information as well as maps and application forms. I am very proud of my staff and all that have participated in gathering the information. My staff and I make every effort to collect and maintain the most current data available. The information on this site has been prepared as a public service to you. I believe in government accountability and in providing access to public data to be used in making personal or professional decisions.
We look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Darlington County in the most up-to-date, efficient, and friendliest atmosphere possible.
My office pledges to continue its efforts to appraise property accurately and fairly. We will faithfully apply policies and practices with honesty, reliability, and respect.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you find this website helpful.
Kyle Johnson
County Assessor