Real and Personal Property APPEAL Forms and Applications Georgia Department of Revenue Click Here
To access Homestead Exemption Application click the link above:
Next click on the "LGS-Homestead" link
Fill in the form; print and mail or save and email to (Homestead Email)
Along with application send a copy of proof of Residency (Driver's License, Car Registration, or Voter's Registration)
To access Conservation Application click the link above:
Next click on the "PT-283E" link
Fill in the form; sign, print, and mail along with the $25 filing fee. Please make your check out to "Bulloch County Clerk of Court"
Form should be notarized but if you are unable to have the form notarized, please provide a copy of your driver's license with the form.
To access Personal Property Tax Return click the link above:
Next click on the "PT-50P" link
Fill in the form; print and mail or save and email to (Personal Property Email)
Bulloch County Tax Assessors
P O Box 1421
Statesboro, GA 30459

Our goal is to provide the people of Bulloch County with a website that is user friendly and informative in both information on property here in Bulloch County but also to give a brief overview of the vast array of services supported by Property Tax dollars.
Your Property Tax Dollars are critical to the mission that we strive to accomplish, First in Safety and Service.
Property Tax is stable, predictable, collectable and administered at the local level by local officials who shop, work, have families and pay taxes here also.
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary",
James Madison, 4th President United States of America, 1751-1836
Your Property Tax Dollars Support These Services: