Welcome to the Town of Griswold Assessor’s Website
The primary duties of the Assessor's Office are to
discover, list and value all property within its
jurisdiction. A Grand List represents the total of
assessed values for all taxable real property, personal
property, and motor vehicles located within the Town
on October 1st of any given year. Assessments for real
property are based on 70 percent of the fair market
value at the time of the last revaluation. Additionally,
administers the State of Connecticut homeowners
program, renters' rebate program, 490 (farm, forest &
open space) program, the totally disabled and veterans
as well as, the local farm building exemption and any
other exemption and/or abatement that the Town of
Griswold creates.
Evelyn A. Spagnolo Assessor, Town of Griswold
& Borough of Jewett City
28 Main Street
P.O. Box 369
Jewett City, CT 06351
(860) 376-7060, Extension: 103
(860) 376-7070
Monday - Wednesday
8:30AM - 4:00PM
8:30AM – 6:30PM
8:30AM – 1:00PM
The Tax Assessor's Office is located on first floor of the Town Hall.
Click Here for the Town Hall location and public business hours.